Young Leaders Day 2013

Young Leaders Day 2013

What a day it was...from 5am in the morning with blurry eyes, half asleep and cold, black skies, to smells on the bus (we know who you are!) to McDonalds for dinner. Oh yeah...and the most amazing speakers. 

We would love to know what you learnt and got out of Young Leaders Day share some thoughts on what it meant to you below. Highlight the questions below, copy the text, create a new post, paste the questions back in and then answer them with your very own comments. Remember...each one of us has taken away something completely different from the day. Here are the questions we thought up in class...

Copy and paste here: 
Write a quick summary/report about young leaders day.

My two favourite quotes were (remember to say who said them):
My favourite speaker was and why:
What have I learnt and how it might help me in life:
Action points - what I am going to work on (a goal):
Insert a photo if you wish but remember to say where you got it.

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