Wednesday, June 5, 2013



I put my skies on and headed to the door a gush of wind came straight through the door like a group of singing tornadoes. I breathed out a cloud came out of my mouth but no rain.As the snow hits from my brothers hand to me,it crumbles away to space.I could hear the cold air brushing down my face a waterfall falling into the snow, as the snow crumbles away like shortbread mealting in your mouth. As me and my instrutor were on the chair lift i thought to my self ''how can I get off, can I get of'' my body froze as stiff as a concret wall.We hopped off I looked down I could see another skie place my nearves streached as they were trying to save my fall. I headed down hill I can do this I thought right in frunt of me I saw a hole in the ground ''can I past it''.
''bam'' I fall into soe rocks.
I was terrafied the whole way down but I made it in the end.


  1. Incredible personal voice Alana. I can feel your tension and fear. Perhaps you could now write aboutthe feeling of satisfaction and pride that 'giving it a go' gave you when you arrived at the end of the ski run.
    Mrs C

  2. Yes Alana- good pictures are formed after reading your writing - I especially like the piece where you compare the crumbling snow to shortbread. Thanks for sharing.
    Mrs McA

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